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Imperfect Mindfulness

You don’t need to be perfect or even particularly good at mindfulness to benefit from a mindfulness practice.  I believe thinking in terms of being good at, or bad at doesn’t really apply to mindfulness.  All our mindfulness efforts, even our stumbling imperfect ones support our journey to body sovereignty.  Remember, a mindful life looks different for everyone.  Yours may…

Unhelpful Beliefs About Self Compassion

Have you ever stopped to consider what your underlying beliefs about Self Compassion are? Those of us who have come to acknowledge that a practice of self-compassion would support us in both our relationship with our bodies and our day to day well being in general, often find ourselves feeling stuck in being able to practice self-compassion in a meaningful…

Goddess Guidance – Jan 27, 2019

Welcome to Body Sovereignty Sunday, a space for us to pause and reflect on how we are feeling in our body and in our lives, to check our inner compass and set an intention for a body sovereign week ahead. I’ve been having so much fun jumping on Facebook Live and chatting about body sovereignty and there is more of…

Discernment – The Challenging First Step

One of the trickiest parts of embracing your divine body (to once again trust in the body’s wisdom and be able to live fully in your skin) is coming to an understanding how to make decisions and interact with the world. How we engage in decision making so important because there is a lot of information to navigate and information…

Welcome to the Age of the Default Obesity Diagnoses

We constantly hear how dangerous fatness is, how it is killing us. And – you might be surprised to hear that I agree. But not in the way that you might think. I do not believe fat bodies are intrinsically less healthy than thinner bodies. In other words, the fat on a person’s body does not have as much influence…

What’s Your Relationship with Emotional Eating?

Many of us who are not happy with our bodies also have a challenging relationship with food. We are so convinced that we can shape and control our body through our actions and our food choices that our relationship with food has become an emotional and moral landmine on a cultural level. In that landmine, emotional eating – a common…

Summer Kicks off in Style

This summer is starting off with a bang.  Not only am I once again taking on clients in my private practice, I am also delighted to have an article featured in Holistic Parent Magazine.  Last year I wrote a piece for the same magazine about how parents can help their children have a positive body image – read it here. …

On International No Diet Day, Resist Diet Culture

You may be aware of all the negative impacts of dieting and staying away from programs like Weight Watchers or Beach Body which is great!  But today is a good day to dig deeper and ask yourself, even if I’m not on a ‘diet’ how much are my food choices influenced by diet culture? In other words, how much does…

The Illusion of Control

In this day and age, our experience of our body is very much influenced by the idea of control. Whether we embrace the idea of willpower and believe our bodies can be molded into pre-determined sizes through our actions or, if we embrace the philosophy of the mind/body connection which, for some suggests an ability to control the health, wellbeing…