As part of our work of reclaiming body sovereignty I offer a monthly Goddess Guidance reflection. I do this by drawing a card from The Goddess Oracle Deck by Amy Sophia Marashinksy and reflect on what insights/challenges/gifts are being offered to us on our Body Sovereignty Journey.

February 2020: Ix Chel (e’shell)
Ix Chel is a Mayan Moon/Snake Goddess who helps assure fertility (creativity) by holding the sacred womb jar upside down so that the waters of creation can be ever flowing. Ix Chel also presides over weaving, magic, health and healing, sexuality, water, and childbirth. The message of this goddess is ‘it is time to express creativity. It is time to stoke the fire, time to let your creative flow. Create! Be daring! ‘

What can I try differently? Is there room for fun?
At first there may not seem an obvious connection between body sovereignty and creativity. But I think if we neglect tapping in our creativity when it comes to how we connect with our body, we are denying ourselves an opportunity to see the beauty that is the poetry of our divine body.
The trap to watch out for here is that we can take creativity too seriously. Perhaps we are being asked if there is room for fun in how we relate to and experience our body. This is not to deny or minimize our pain, or the deeply sacred nature of our divine body. But to be willing to be open to fun. Maybe a little bit of silliness now and then can offer us an opportunity to relate to our body in a new way.

Questions for Reflection
Are you feeling stuck in your relationship with your body? Where can you try new things?
What role has creativity played in your relationship with your body? Is there a role art, poetry, music or the natural world can play in reclaiming your body sovereignty?
What or who do you find inspiring? Why are your body sovereignty roll models?
Where are your sources of connection and creativity? Consider what resources you have both externally and internally.
If your list of resources feels scant, where can you look for more support in your body sovereignty journey? What is it you most need, right now? Where can you find support to fill those needs?

Thanks for reading.

Sydney is a psychotherapist providing online counselling with a focus on healing body shame. Her approach is grounded in Health at Every Size principles, supporting a reclaiming of Body Sovereignty, where we once again experience peace, trust and respect of our body. To learn more about Sydney and her approach or book a free consultation, send an email:

  • Riani
    Posted February 4, 2020

    I am glad i got to find your site and read THIS. I have been examining out a few of your articles and its pretty stuff to read. I will surely bookmark your blog.

    • Sydney Bell
      Posted February 5, 2020

      Thank you, Riani – I appreciate your kind word and am glad you find some resonance.

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