My psychotherapy practice is shifting and growing with an increase in the types of support I offer. Working with people challenged by their relationship with their body remains central in what I do. So often I hear from clients about the relief they feel to find a space where they can invite peace, trust and respect to their relationship with their bodies. This is the important work of Reclaiming Body Sovereignty, and I experience such joy in supporting those wonderful, brave souls who embark on the journey.

You may be aware I also work with people who are looking for more general support in their healing, those who want to shift their patterns of shame and self-criticism into something more healing and helpful. Using an approached called Compassion Focussed Therapy (CFT) I work with clients to cultivate skills in compassion and self-compassion, which can help regulate mood and lead to feelings of safety, self-acceptance, and comfort.

What is really new is the work I have been doing with Somatic, or body-based psychotherapy approaches. I’m so excited about this new approach in my practice as I think it is a fabulous fit with CFT and Reclaiming Body Sovereignty. Somatic Psychotherapy invites building a connection to your sacred body and embarking on a quest to live life from the inside out. The work is to invite more awareness of your body, becoming mindful of physical sensations stemming from inner blockages and using that awareness to work through painful feelings and emotions.

I’m so excited about these shifts in the work I do. Check out more information below. If you feel a resonance, have questions, or would like to explore if online counselling with me is for you, I offer a no-charge consultation.

Embodied Compassion-Focused Psychotherapy and Healing
Psychotherapy services offered:
(Our work together can focus in one of these areas, or we can draw from as many as feel a fit for you.)
• Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT): liberate yourself from shame and self-criticism. Embrace your whole self.
• Reclaiming Body Sovereignty: An empowering approach to healing body shame by nurturing body trust, body peace and body respect. Embrace radical body acceptance!
• Somatic Psychotherapy: build a connection to your sacred body and experience living life from the inside out. Embrace an embodied life.
• Inner Soul Healing: spiritually grounded therapy to dive deep into your inner world and emotional healing. Embrace your inner wise self.