Goddess Guidance – Ceridwen

As part of our work of reclaiming body sovereignty I offer a monthly Goddess Guidance reflection. The images and card meanings are from The Goddess Oracle Deck by Amy Sophia Marashinksy. For each goddess, I offer a reflection on what insights/challenges/gifts are being we might embrace on our Body Sovereignty Journey. Feedback and comments are welcome!

Ceridwen (ker-id-when)
Keywords: Death and rebirth, Transformation
From The Deck (abridged and with some edits)
To the Welsh, Cerridwen/Ceridwen (pronounced ker’rid-when) is a associated with the moon, inspiration, poetry, prophecy, shape-shifting, and life and death. Cerridwen had a son who was extremely ugly. To bring him the gift of wisdom to compensate for his terrible appearance, she took a year and day to create a brew of wisdom. She set Gwion, her assistant, to watch the brew and bade him not to drink it. Accidentally some drops of the brew splashed onto his hand and he put his hand in his mouth. Instantly, he knew everything, including the fact that Cerridwen would seek his death. He ran away and she ran after him. After many shape-shifting’s, he was swallowed by Cerridwen who gave birth to him as the great poet, Taliesin nine months later.
Her Message
To live fully and in wholeness we need to accept life in all that it is, which includes death and rebirth. Let go of what does not serve you and your wholeness. Wholeness is achieved when we can say yes and do our dance with death and rebirth. Cerridwen says you will always get back what you give to me. It will be changed, it will be transformed but you will get it back.

My Thoughts
It is particularly exciting for me to have this card come forward for our Goddess Guidance as Ceridwen is one of the five Avlonian goddess that I engage with in my spiritual tradition. I have been working closely with her for many years and appreciate this opportunity to listen closely to what she has to offer us in our journey to body sovereignty.
I think Ceridwen asks us to consider what we are holding on to out of fear. What are the risks we are taking by reclaiming our body sovereignty, what do we fear we will lose? Often our shadow behaviours are born from coping mechanisms that may have comforted us or kept us safe in the past, but no longer serve.
For example, diets and weight loss plans can be comforting. When our life is feeling out of control, deciding to lose weight and taking action by starting a diet plan can give us a sense of getting our life together, and taking some control in our lives. We delude ourselves that weight loss will solve all our problems.
Our relationship with our bodies will grow and flourish as we practice the acceptance that comes with body peace, but we may held back by the fear the losing the comfort of a diet plan, or the hope that our body will some day look a certain way. Working with the energy of Ceridwen we can acknowledges and let go of the fears that are holding us back and be open to new ways to engage with our bodies and more helpful tools to find peace with our bodies and control in how we experience our lives.

Questions for Reflection
What in your relationship with your body no longer serves you?
What habits, ways of thinking, activities have perhaps been a comfort in the past, but have now become problematic?
When it comes to your body, what are you holding on to out of fear?
We do not need to transform our body to transform our relationship with it. What elements of your relationship with your body can you offer to Ceridwen to transform?
Working with Ceridwen is also an opportunity to bring poetry and creativity to healing body shame and reclaiming body sovereignty. What kind of creativity are you drawn to? Painting, writing, poetry? Gardening, observing nature, teaching? Is there some creative expression you can offer to your body? Some comfort or recognition you can offer to the part of you that has lived with body shame?

Sydney is a psychotherapist providing online counselling with a focus on healing body shame. Her approach is grounded in Health at Every Size principles, supporting a reclaiming of Body Sovereignty, where we once again experience peace, trust and respect of our body. To learn more about Sydney and her approach, check out here website: www.sydneybell.ca or send an email: sydney@sydneybell.ca